Ever since my family's move to the San Juan house and my boyfriend's acquiring an apartment in Sta. Mesa, we've been together a lot. At first, around summertime, we'd see each other maybe 3 times a week, when he'd stay the night at our place. As the months went by, however, he's been staying with me all the time. The only time we're apart is when he goes to school and I go to work. He basically lives here.
And I love it.
I realized a couple of weeks ago that I've forgotten how to sleep alone. I used to do it every day for a solid year, and now I can't. I've gotten to used to his arm around me belly, to his hair grazing my neck, to his little pecks on my back before going to sleep, to his general presence in my bedroom (and life) that I've forgotten how to be alone.
Last night, he wasn't here. He went home because he actually still does have a family. I tried sleeping at around 1am and truly fell asleep at 3. To be fair, I actually do find it difficult to sleep without the aid of TV or music or whatever, but last night was extra difficult. I felt that without him beside me, my bed was a little too big, and my legs were a little too free.
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