I think I now understand where the term "better half" comes from. When people referred to their partners as their "better half," it always confused me. Better half of what? The relationship? If he's the better half, then you're what? Just the good one? The bad one?
Yohan and I are different from each other. Physically, I am a taller-than-average, rosy-cheeked, fair-skinned, fat half-Chinese boy with abnormally soft hair. He is your typically-tall, moreno-ish, curly-haired, skinny, doe-eyed boy. My toes clump together, like I've been wearing shoes too small since I could wear shoes. His toes are spread apart, like he doesn't use footwear at home. His eyelashes are obvious, mine need mascara. His nails grow forward and out, like the symbol for Mac's airport, mine grow to the sides and under, causing stuff to grow out of the sides of my toes.. Even the way we think is different. Where I panic, he relaxes. Where I condemn, he appreciates. Where I am reluctant, he is enthusiastic. Where I plan, he is spontaneous.
Despite our differences, we make things work (for the most part haha). His laid-back attitude diminishes my constant buzz of panic and paranoia. My near-OCD nudges him to be more in-tune and organized. Ish.
He also hates it when I use ish.
Oh this is so cute! :)